1.   Learning About Life A young horse will take time to learn about life and about what is a genuinely frightening experience.

2.   Young horses are usually most susceptible and we have seen several cases associated with stud premises.

3.   TRAINER Andy Turnell has some nice young horses who will eventually take some of the burden from stable star Katabatic.

4.   John Henderson compares the problems encountered by the young horse to learning a new language.

5.   We also once had a not so young horse who took a while to understand the requirements of turn on the forehand.

6.   These two incidents also show how young horses often seem to think about what they are learning and are eager to please.

7.   But whatever else young horses do, in general they want to please you and are so very trusting about it.

8.   Young horses and ponies winter well in numbers in barns.

9.   A young horse will take time to learn about life and about what is a genuinely frightening experience.

10.   Jane with her young horse Charlie.

a. + horse >>共 831
wild 4.64%
best 2.51%
the 2.36%
good 2.28%
dead 1.94%
older 1.91%
thoroughbred 1.87%
great 1.68%
young 1.42%
first 1.38%
young + n. >>共 614
man 15.52%
people 11.79%
woman 9.81%
child 5.52%
girl 3.06%
player 2.92%
boy 2.23%
adult 1.20%
son 1.19%
couple 1.14%
horse 0.09%
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