1.   She went to the hospital for her yearly mammogram.

2.   I have opted to continue having yearly mammograms.

3.   I get three-month checkups, yearly mammograms and do self-exams.

4.   The new guideline of yearly mammograms was based on findings by a panel of experts who reviewed randomly selected clinical trials from around the world.

5.   Those with very high risk may be examined every three months, in addition to having yearly mammograms.

6.   We go for yearly mammograms.

a. + mammogram >>共 44
regular 16.28%
annual 15.50%
routine 6.98%
first 4.65%
yearly 4.65%
frequent 4.65%
digital 3.88%
screening 3.10%
free 3.10%
good 2.33%
yearly + n. >>共 322
basis 4.73%
ritual 3.51%
event 2.13%
income 1.68%
budget 1.68%
visit 1.37%
meeting 1.37%
fee 1.22%
salary 1.22%
increase 1.22%
mammogram 0.91%
每页显示:    共 6