1.   It had been a good few years.

2.   Over the next few hundred years, Tewkesbury remained a busy commercial centre, often ranked only second to Gloucester.

3.   There is little danger over the next few million years that we shall exhaust the store of useful energy.

4.   To be accepted as member there really would cap a memorable few years.

5.   As a result, the researchers who have been searching for evidence of real cosmic impacts during the last few thousand years face a daunting task.

6.   As gauged by a University of Michigan index, customer-service satisfaction has dropped steadily the last few years.

7.   As lauded as TFA was during its first few years, the organization drew vocal critics, too.

8.   As every PC owner knows, the insatiable appetites of software developers render conventional computers obsolete within a very few years.

9.   Both freeze and crack in the cold and have to be replaced every few years.

10.   Brazil has been preparing its state-controlled companies for sale in the past few years in order to raise money to reimburse debt.

n. + few >>共 14
year 36.94%
minute 14.65%
day 12.10%
hour 6.37%
moment 6.37%
month 6.37%
second 4.46%
week 4.46%
season 2.55%
yard 2.55%
year + n. >>共 1338
time 5.11%
more 2.12%
growth 1.01%
game 1.01%
tournament 0.85%
market 0.76%
team 0.75%
title 0.75%
profit 0.72%
event 0.70%
few 0.25%
每页显示:    共 58