1.   The date should be written after the address.

2.   After dinner she wrote a brisk, chatty letter to Chambers, telling him of her notion and in every way putting him at his ease.

3.   There are suggestions talking and writing after each item.

4.   She came to North Yorkshire from London with her husband and was moved to write after his death.

5.   Also, someone will publish a book claiming it is a diary written after his death.

6.   And in an internal Oxychem memo written shortly after the October leak, a supervisor expressed skepticism over the competence of workers at the McKinzie Road plant.

7.   And no one here thinks that the history of the town that was written after the murder can be erased overnight.

8.   Another aspect of the anti-supernaturalist theory is that the gospels were written long after the fact.

9.   A grandfather clause amendment that specifically excluded Menem from seeking a third term was added to the document since the Constitution was written after his first election.

10.   A researcher showed the company a diplomatic letter written shortly after the sinking that said the ship carried a small fortune.

v. + after >>共 936
come 7.80%
die 2.94%
say 2.67%
release 2.19%
leave 1.81%
speak 1.80%
arrest 1.55%
fall 1.48%
return 1.32%
rise 1.06%
write 0.12%
write + p. >>共 60
for 32.10%
in 23.40%
on 8.52%
by 8.30%
with 4.95%
off 3.09%
of 2.76%
into 2.64%
as 1.80%
from 1.80%
after 0.67%
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