1.   With a sweep of one mighty fist, the daemon dashed the wounded warrior aside.

2.   He is playing, with eerie acumen, a wounded warrior on the verge of death.

3.   Of course, what came of this decision was a public relations brouhaha, pitting Johnson as the wounded warrior against the heartless Mariner ownership.

4.   That worries Coach Danny White, even though his wounded warriors needed the rest.

5.   The last vision we had of Dawson was of a wounded warrior, hobbling around the Red Sox clubhouse.

6.   While some see that teeter-totter effect as a bad sign, Sunday all Pete Carroll saw was a band of wounded warriors ambushing one of the best teams around.

7.   But the duo from the Royal Canadian Regiment looked more like a pair of dinged-up hockey players than wounded warriors as they spoke Tuesday.

8.   In one larger-than-life piece, a wounded Amazon warrior stands with a hand atop her tilted head and a mournful look on her elegant face.

9.   In which regions are wounded warriors likely to reject women doctors?

10.   Lazio arrived in Buffalo as a wounded warrior.

a. + warrior >>共 381
holy 7.19%
islamic 5.20%
old 4.76%
tribal 2.21%
young 2.10%
ancient 1.77%
reluctant 1.66%
afghan 1.33%
fierce 1.33%
japanese 1.11%
wounded 1.11%
wounded + n. >>共 411
soldier 14.42%
man 12.36%
people 5.17%
civilian 2.44%
officer 2.35%
fighter 2.06%
pride 1.68%
child 1.58%
animal 1.34%
woman 1.25%
warrior 0.48%
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