1.   A bomb exploded in a hotel, killing six people and wounding another five.

2.   A bomb exploded in an office of the Iraqi Ministry of Religious affairs here, killing one person and reportedly seriously wounding five, Iraqi television announced Wednesday.

3.   But at least five were wounded.

4.   Radio reports and settlement officials said at least five were wounded in addition to those killed.

5.   A pair of gunmen opened fire Sunday in the southern city of Beersheba, wounding at least five, the Israeli media reported.

6.   A Palestinian policeman was sentenced to death Friday for opening fire on sleeping colleagues, killing one and wounding five.

7.   Also Monday, the army said rebels had killed four soldiers and wounded five in combat that began Sunday in the northern banana-growing region of Uraba.

8.   Arab gunmen sprayed an Israeli car with automatic fire in a drive-by shooting near a Jewish West Bank settlement Wednesday, killing one passenger and wounding five.

9.   At least five government soldiers were also killed and five wounded during the operation that started Wednesday, said Maj. Tilak Dunuwille.

10.   But the pro-Syrian Shiite Muslim group Amal claimed its guerrillas ambushed two SLA patrols near Alman, killing one militiaman and wounding five.

v. + five >>共 324
strike_out 7.95%
kill 5.85%
have 5.85%
wound 3.45%
arrest 3.30%
win 3.00%
injure 2.92%
take 2.62%
release 2.55%
charge 2.32%
wound + n. >>共 421
soldier 18.51%
people 17.08%
civilian 5.87%
policeman 4.21%
man 3.44%
officer 2.45%
woman 2.36%
person 2.06%
dozen 1.66%
militiaman 1.47%
five 0.67%
每页显示:    共 46