1.   Are worldly things then trash, or some kind of sorcery that could erase humankind?

2.   Before death, as the Elizabethans liked to remind us, all worldly things shrivel.

3.   All of these are worldly things and the rest is left to God, the best one to depend on.

4.   So does his vaguely priestly air of superiority to worldly things.

5.   The Buddha, Fremerman said, taught that one can choose a path that is neither severe asceticism nor total distraction by worldly things.

6.   He claims to be considering quitting boxing within two years, ridding himself of most worldly things and devoting time to projects involving his Moslem faith.

a. + thing >>共 548
same 10.88%
only 7.33%
good 6.85%
right 4.11%
whole 4.09%
important 3.44%
best 2.91%
last 2.84%
first 2.53%
bad 2.38%
worldly 0.02%
worldly + n. >>共 129
possession 10.45%
goods 9.70%
success 4.85%
pleasure 3.36%
concern 2.61%
power 2.61%
thing 2.24%
man 1.87%
woman 1.87%
wisdom 1.87%
每页显示:    共 6