1.   A great number of emigres arrived daily from the mainland, left homeless and often destitute of all worldly possessions.

2.   Over his shoulder hung a bag which contained all his worldly possessions.

3.   Returned that same evening to Brigade Headquarters to collect my rucksack containing all my worldly possessions and, of course, the bagpipes.

4.   They tear our houses down, burn up our worldly possessions, and sometimes even kill us.

5.   A saddlebag held their worldly possessions.

6.   But the implication is that the IRS consists of a bunch of jackbooted thugs who are after all of our worldly possessions.

7.   Cly Butte is named for a chieftain buried there with his worldly possessions, including his cattle, goats, sheep, horse and saddle.

8.   He was carrying two manila envelopes containing all his worldly possessions.

9.   In Hinduism one reaches a higher state of life through renouncing worldly possessions, for example.

10.   It is a youth surrendered, along with his worldly possessions and weekly earnings to his marabout, a religious leader to whom he has pledged all his energy.

a. + possession >>共 313
illegal 18.90%
next 6.97%
criminal 6.92%
sole 5.62%
first 4.69%
consecutive 3.02%
personal 3.02%
ensuing 2.37%
final 2.23%
prized 2.14%
worldly 1.30%
worldly + n. >>共 129
possession 10.45%
goods 9.70%
success 4.85%
pleasure 3.36%
concern 2.61%
power 2.61%
thing 2.24%
man 1.87%
woman 1.87%
wisdom 1.87%
每页显示:    共 28