1.   All her worldly goods were contained in four cardboard boxes.

2.   All his worldly goods fit in four packing cases.

3.   But he bought no worldly goods.

4.   He loses all his worldly goods because a law suit is not Decided in his favor.

5.   My worldly goods, my total possessions.

6.   We generally promise each other all our worldly goods.

7.   Why, of course you must leave all your worldly goods to him.

8.   All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag.

9.   Nor was the pope immune from criticism and the new pope, Innocent, is described by one writer as caring only for worldly goods.

10.   After making provision for the payment of their debts and funeral expenses, they then proceeded to the disposal of their worldly goods.

a. + goods >>共 807
durable 7.72%
imported 5.38%
sporting 4.10%
manufactured 3.26%
stolen 3.03%
household 2.86%
foreign 2.60%
humanitarian 2.28%
japanese 2.15%
electronic 2.14%
worldly 0.35%
worldly + n. >>共 129
possession 10.45%
goods 9.70%
success 4.85%
pleasure 3.36%
concern 2.61%
power 2.61%
thing 2.24%
man 1.87%
woman 1.87%
wisdom 1.87%
每页显示:    共 26