1.   Experimentalists suggest that randomized assignment is much more possible in the real world than many people suspect.

2.   There is no doubt that this early form of man had a greater impact on the natural world than any other animal.

3.   After all, what better way is there to get to know the countryside and to become aware of the natural world than to go walking in the countryside?

4.   Also like Fischer, Kamsky seems less a participant in the chess world than its independent challenger.

5.   And just as there are few things more important in the world than friendship, when it comes to the outdoors, nothing is more important than weather.

6.   And no one is feeling more on top of the world than Blackstone Group.

7.   And there is more for me to write about in the PC world than the Mac world, and writing pays my rent.

8.   At the same time, technological innovation has produced far more radical change, introspection, and even fear within the business world than is commonly understood.

9.   Ball acknowledges that his views are shaped by a very different world than that of the young privatizers.

n. + than >>共 1788
better 1.51%
money 1.37%
rate 1.04%
time 0.97%
year 0.80%
game 0.73%
people 0.71%
worse 0.64%
problem 0.56%
harm 0.52%
world 0.18%
world + p. >>共 110
in 13.28%
for 11.72%
with 9.65%
as 6.81%
by 5.36%
to 5.27%
on 4.29%
from 3.95%
around 3.40%
without 3.28%
than 1.58%
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