1.   Keyfitz uses world fisheries to illustrate the problem of communication.

2.   Countries also agreed to cooperate on ensuring the viability of world fisheries.

3.   First in a three-part series on the worrisome state of world fisheries.

4.   This is the first in a three-part series on the worrisome state of world fisheries.

n. + fishery >>共 48
cod 10.99%
trout 10.99%
ocean 6.59%
sport 4.40%
world 4.40%
crab 3.30%
lobster 3.30%
river 3.30%
shark 3.30%
tailwater 3.30%
world + n. >>共 502
champion 12.87%
championship 9.16%
leader 7.32%
market 6.47%
record 4.63%
title 3.94%
body 3.65%
economy 2.92%
price 2.18%
stage 1.30%
fishery 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4