1.   The others will cover such things as workplace conditions and the use of work equipment, with computer screens getting special attention.

2.   Business interests say without reform their hands are tied if they want to improve workplace conditions.

3.   But employers of such volunteers are immune from liability for workplace conditions.

4.   But the unions must represent all eligible federal workers, handling their grievances and negotiating their workplace conditions, even if those employees are not union members.

5.   Oregon-based Nike acknowledged violations of its code of conduct for workplace conditions at South Korean- and Taiwanese-operated subcontractor factories in Vietnam.

6.   Shareholders will also vote on a resolution that would require Disney to issue a report on workplace conditions, including overseas contractors.

7.   The bill gives the State Department of Labor jurisdiction over workplace conditions of welfare recipients who are in the workfare program.

8.   The guidelines were approved after questions were raised by The New York Times about workplace conditions on cruise ships.

9.   Workplace conditions are likely to be worst in makeshift factories that operate outside the law.

10.   Its Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, is responsible for workplace conditions.

n. + condition >>共 729
weather 19.82%
market 10.92%
heart 6.13%
prison 4.54%
business 3.64%
road 2.03%
drought 2.01%
health 1.94%
crop 1.51%
labor 1.41%
workplace 0.20%
workplace + n. >>共 355
safety 5.54%
injury 4.63%
rule 3.83%
violence 3.63%
issue 3.02%
discrimination 2.92%
regulation 2.01%
expert 1.81%
accident 1.61%
dispute 1.51%
condition 1.21%
每页显示:    共 12