1.   Fewer factory workers are losing fingers or getting sick.

2.   In the boiler overhaul, for example, Taylor found that a worker lost much time because of his constrained position.

3.   Many workers lost their retirement pensions when the fund collapsed.

4.   The factory is going over to computerised machinery and many workers are losing their jobs.

5.   The report showed that blue collar workers lost ten days a year due to ill health, compared with five days for white collar workers.

6.   While workers would lose pay during this leave, they would be shielded by the law against any other penalty.

7.   Workers are losing their jobs while the government sits on its hands and does nothing.

8.   Workers have been told that, in the coming years, more than a thousand workers will lose their jobs.

9.   Also, some companies abandoned pensions altogether, and many workers lost pension assets when they lost their jobs.

10.   And many other hospital workers will lose their jobs as well.

n. + lose >>共 964
team 5.48%
company 3.89%
people 2.88%
government 1.89%
party 1.76%
driver 1.59%
investor 1.55%
family 1.11%
dollar 1.08%
stock 1.06%
worker 1.06%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
try 1.17%
receive 1.10%
lose 0.63%
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