1.   Congress rejected a measure that would make it easier for low-income workers to get health insurance.

2.   Moreover, as a worker gets older, overtime, shift work and so on become less and less a physical possibility.

3.   Our workers get low rents and other advantages.

4.   The hotel workers get paid peanuts.

5.   The workers get paid peanuts.

6.   The workers got what they wanted and these vital public services remained freely available.

7.   American manufacturers are struggling and factory workers are getting the ax in large numbers.

8.   And because of the availability of high-tech stocks, many ordinary workers also are getting richer.

9.   And even the least skilled and lowest paid workers get employer-subsidized health insurance, retirement plans, free uniforms and free meals on the job.

10.   And the president apparently has no inclination to demand that the workers get a cut of the rebates.

n. + get >>共 1428
thing 4.33%
people 3.16%
company 1.69%
team 1.33%
player 1.31%
investor 1.17%
child 1.12%
man 0.90%
woman 0.83%
kid 0.81%
worker 0.58%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
try 1.17%
receive 1.10%
get 1.10%
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