1.   Academy teachers visit the work sites once a week.

2.   Inspectors visit the work site before the foundation is poured to inspect the soil condition and positioning and depth of the footings.

3.   The approval covers the location of work sites and construction methods to be used in canton Valais.

4.   The students spend several mornings a week at work sites associated with their divisions.

5.   They monitor the student at the work site and take them under their wing.

6.   While at the work site, students keep journals that their supervisors read and annotate on a weekly basis.

7.   And the hazards at government work sites are often similar to hazards in the private sector, he said.

8.   Association members have posted anti-mob signs in their shop windows and at work sites.

9.   At work sites where salts are hired inadvertently, union locals gain leverage by spotlighting unfair or unsafe working conditions and then filing charges.

10.   Because Bio-Form breaks down into harmless components, the companies also avoid the kind of lawsuits many have run into charging them with contaminating their work site.

n. + site >>共 646
crash 10.42%
construction 7.97%
test 3.03%
weapon 2.80%
storage 2.54%
tourist 2.14%
auction 2.12%
missile 1.44%
accident 1.39%
bomb 1.31%
work 1.27%
work + n. >>共 689
permit 7.56%
schedule 4.22%
week 4.12%
rule 3.80%
hour 3.73%
environment 3.28%
requirement 3.22%
day 2.83%
station 2.73%
surface 2.64%
site 2.09%
每页显示:    共 136