1.   In this way you will be sure to get through the work load.

2.   Many of these require frequent supervision and add to the work load of the warden.

3.   My work load has doubled since Henry left.

4.   Production even on the smallest holdings had trebled and the work load had soared.

5.   The work load had become too heavy for these two offices, still honorary, to remain combined.

6.   There are thirteen employees, sometimes fourteen when the work load grows especially heavy, but never fifteen.

7.   Therefore the work load should not be too heavy.

8.   This was at a time when the work load was growing.

9.   We want to try and even out the work load a little, so that nobody has more than they can handle.

10.   It does not display work load.

n. + load >>共 183
debt 23.48%
work 9.47%
bus 6.57%
passenger 5.18%
course 4.42%
truck 3.03%
plane 2.53%
lorry 2.27%
fuel 2.02%
tax 1.77%
work + n. >>共 689
permit 7.56%
schedule 4.22%
week 4.12%
rule 3.80%
hour 3.73%
environment 3.28%
requirement 3.22%
day 2.83%
station 2.73%
surface 2.64%
load 1.14%
每页显示:    共 75