1.   It is thus important to see the influence of the taxation system on work incentives in this wider perspective.

2.   The bourgeois family model with its breadwinning husband and dependent wife and children was thus believed to secure male work incentives.

3.   Generous work incentives in Minnesota for welfare enrollees have produced startling results, according to a study just released by the Manpower Demonstration Research Corp. of New York.

4.   Lower marginal rates would also improve work incentives and shrink the black economy, which is said to be booming.

5.   Punishing legal immigrants never had anything to do with the work incentives and requirements that most people associate with improving welfare.

6.   The Minnesota welfare program combined generous work incentives with child-care assistance and support for enrollees after they find work.

7.   The package containing the tax credits and work incentives passed the House on Thursday night.

8.   The move is aimed at saving money and increasing work incentives, in line with calls by the Bundesbank and independent economists.

9.   The proposals include a call for cuts in income tax to be targeted on the lower paid, a measure that will improve work incentives.

10.   The real issues are work incentives and adequate income in very old age, particularly the latter.

n. + incentive >>共 172
tax 44.14%
government 6.38%
cash 5.25%
investment 4.22%
market 2.06%
business 2.06%
retirement 1.95%
performance 1.65%
work 1.34%
customer 0.93%
work + n. >>共 689
permit 7.56%
schedule 4.22%
week 4.12%
rule 3.80%
hour 3.73%
environment 3.28%
requirement 3.22%
day 2.83%
station 2.73%
surface 2.64%
incentive 0.20%
每页显示:    共 13