1.   It seemed probable that the number of word paths would increase substantially with the length of the utterance, and some of the test utterances were very long.

2.   This resulted in a decrease in the number of word paths, though the numbers were still extremely high.

3.   This also resulted in a slight decrease in the number of word paths, but often resulted in the loss of the correct word.

4.   The fact that the number of word paths should decrease using an allophonic representation is easily demonstrable.

5.   Although both strategies eliminated some incorrect interpretations, the number of word paths was still very high, especially in the mid-class case.

6.   These words would all have the same or a very similar score and would combine exponentially into word paths.

n. + path >>共 247
career 18.39%
flight 14.54%
dirt 8.14%
bike 6.83%
mountain 3.77%
cart 3.06%
growth 2.98%
gravel 1.66%
bicycle 1.58%
cycle 1.40%
word 0.61%
word + n. >>共 919
game 3.71%
spread 1.58%
problem 1.58%
string 1.31%
recognition 1.24%
list 1.17%
boundary 1.10%
choice 1.10%
count 0.89%
association 0.76%
path 0.48%
每页显示:    共 7