1.   Words can not then specify the nature of the underlying dimension.

2.   And the words can last so long.

3.   Arguably, this is the sort of interactive storytelling that works only with pictures because pictures can contain one another in ways that words cannot.

4.   Bells tolled, the names of the many dead were read out, and moments of silence expressed what words could not.

5.   A look here and a gesture there will say much more about feeling than words can, or at least say it differently.

6.   But here the illustrations, exquisitely drawn and illuminated with Venetian light, carry the story farther than words can.

7.   But I studied the house at every chance, fascinated by the way small hands reordered its stock parts to express what words could not.

8.   Dance can, by definition, often express what words cannot.

9.   Dance is upfront on Broadway this season, very possibly because dance expresses what words cannot.

10.   I said, shocked that so many years after my life of protest demonstrations that word could still apply to me.

n. + can >>共 1462
people 2.11%
company 1.70%
man 1.22%
government 1.04%
woman 0.86%
team 0.80%
official 0.71%
parent 0.66%
word 0.63%
child 0.63%
word + v. >>共 608
be 42.23%
come 7.46%
have 3.32%
spread 3.13%
mean 1.99%
get_out 1.63%
seem 1.20%
leak 0.96%
sound 0.95%
go 0.90%
can 0.31%
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