1.   These four swung and whipped and rung little chips off on the wooden porch floor.

2.   Flowers that were delivered in the morning, and a wrapped newspaper, sat untouched on the wooden porch.

3.   I jumped onto a creaky wooden porch where an elderly man sat silently, watching the nearly-empty street.

4.   --If you have a wooden porch built directly over soil, check for mud tunnels running up to the flooring and sound out the wood under the porch.

5.   On the long wooden porch that runs the length of the building, old-timers sit in rocking chairs, smoke and chat with their neighbors.

6.   Otherwise, neglect has led, at most, to chipped paint, some rotting wooden porches and, in some cases, crumbling ceilings.

7.   The weathered wooden porch steps creaked as I made my way to the bell.

8.   Their large blue trailer, with a wooden porch and a few attached outbuildings, is neatly kept with potted plants hanging from the porch rafters.

9.   Throughout the afternoon Saturday, the old volunteers mingled on the wooden wraparound porch, eating watermelon and sipping juice and wine from plastic cups.

10.   You pass a parade of satellite dishes and painted wooden porches.

a. + porch >>共 164
front 42.54%
back 13.24%
screened 3.78%
wooden 2.00%
covered 1.58%
light 1.58%
sleeping 1.58%
wraparound 1.47%
new 1.37%
wide 1.37%
wooden + n. >>共 965
box 3.39%
house 2.68%
cross 2.57%
bench 2.48%
door 2.13%
boat 2.13%
table 2.11%
plank 1.91%
floor 1.84%
chair 1.80%
porch 0.35%
每页显示:    共 19