1.   But more often, the contribution of women soldiers remains largely unacknowledged.

2.   But students and Army officials indicated that not all young women soldiers were as knowledgable about sexual harassment or as assertive about protecting their rights.

3.   But several women soldiers who identified themselves as friends, acquaintances or classmates of the victims expressed outrage at the alleged offenses.

4.   Each depicts a glamorous woman soldier in uniform with false unit tags and military emblems.

5.   He has helmed thoughtful documentaries on women soldiers, British rent strikes and Margaret Thatcher, and directed accomplished performance films by Lily Tomlin and Spalding Gray.

6.   I was approached by two young women soldiers on patrol.

7.   Maj. Kara Guidry, an Army lawyer, struggles to solve a series of murders of young women soldiers at Fort Benning, Ga.

8.   Samar said that any international peacekeeping force dispatched to Afghanistan should include women soldiers.

9.   She said that there was strong evidence that, as a child, the woman soldier had been raped by at least two people, including her stepfather.

10.   That women soldier so dangerous a battle might not seem unusual in the United States.

n. + soldier >>共 252
government 32.25%
army 17.68%
rebel 11.11%
child 4.38%
alliance 2.83%
woman 2.63%
reserve 1.97%
junta 1.84%
career 1.71%
opposition 1.65%
woman + n. >>共 899
voter 3.64%
player 2.18%
athlete 2.13%
priest 2.09%
soldier 2.01%
worker 1.89%
prisoner 1.87%
candidate 1.67%
friend 1.55%
leader 1.46%
每页显示:    共 82