1.   But if livestock loss is not the real issue, what exactly has made wolf restoration such a complicated, divisive and expensive effort?

2.   For all the animal kingdom what-ifs and economic numbers, wolf restoration remains an issue that always veers into values and culture.

3.   Her organization, which has been instrumental in the Northern Rockies wolf restoration, is completing its own two-part study of restoration in the Northeast.

4.   Ms. Fascione said that for her, the possibility of interbreeding between wolves and coyotes was the biggest concern about the success of wolf restoration in the Northeast.

n. + restoration >>共 69
wetland 6.14%
habitat 5.26%
salary 4.39%
two-year 4.39%
film 3.51%
landscape 3.51%
beach 3.51%
wolf 3.51%
theater 3.51%
art 2.63%
wolf + n. >>共 114
population 10.64%
program 7.66%
reintroduction 5.53%
pup 4.26%
recovery 2.98%
plan 2.13%
call 2.13%
habitat 1.70%
project 1.70%
restoration 1.70%
每页显示:    共 4