1.   Always wipe blade after handling.

2.   Take the squeegee and wipe the blade with a damp cloth.

3.   To serve, cut into wedges with a thin knife, wiping blade between cuts.

4.   Wipe the blade after each pass.

5.   Wipe the blade again to remove the accumulated solution and grime.

v. + blade >>共 191
use 4.51%
sharpen 3.71%
replace 3.18%
have 3.18%
hold 2.12%
change 2.12%
make 1.86%
raise 1.59%
place 1.33%
pull 1.33%
wipe 1.33%
wipe + n. >>共 272
tear 23.08%
eye 8.81%
sweat 5.13%
brow 4.33%
face 3.61%
hand 3.29%
mouth 2.96%
nose 2.80%
floor 2.08%
foot 1.76%
blade 0.40%
每页显示:    共 5