1.   All these wines taste much the same.

2.   At least the wines tasted very curious to my inexpert palate.

3.   Do not expect these wines to taste like champagne.

4.   Most white wine tastes best when served very cold.

5.   The wine tastes like vinegar.

6.   And how do these Mondavi wines taste?

7.   But the little adventure with the wines and the chicken did cast the hallowed and central ritual of wine appreciation, the wine tasting, in a different light.

8.   But you should, considering that no one expects wine to taste like grapes.

9.   If only these wines tasted as good as they look.

10.   Is it any shock that the Dole wine tasted better with every leg?

n. + taste >>共 341
panel 5.74%
food 5.44%
dish 2.50%
wine 2.35%
people 2.21%
water 1.91%
soup 1.91%
product 1.62%
coffee 1.47%
visitor 1.32%
wine + v. >>共 255
be 46.24%
have 6.87%
go 2.39%
come 2.32%
become 1.45%
make 1.45%
taste 1.16%
seem 1.09%
take 0.94%
contain 0.87%
每页显示:    共 16