1.   I unleashed a generous squirt of windshield washer fluid.

2.   The cell phone of the future may run without batteries, powered instead by methanol, the key ingredient in windshield washer fluid.

3.   The windshield wiper fluid should be checked and filled, Denning says, and an extra gallon jug should be taken along.

4.   When topping off, use some windshield washer fluid on a rag to clean off the wiper blades.

5.   Methanol is found in windshield washer fluid, camp stove fuel, copier fluid and some paints and varnishes.

6.   Methanol, which is found in windshield washer fluid, camp stove fuel, and some paints, is sometimes mixed with homemade alcohol to make it more potent.

7.   The company reportedly added food coloring to the alcohol to make it look like paint solvent, windshield washer fluid and other industrial products.

n. + fluid >>共 77
brake 15.48%
transmission 7.74%
correction 5.95%
washer 5.36%
windshield 4.76%
perfusion 3.57%
metalworking 2.98%
rehydration 2.98%
preservation 1.79%
lung 1.79%
windshield + n. >>共 42
wiper 57.89%
fluid 5.26%
washer 4.61%
glass 1.97%
blade 1.32%
scraper 1.32%
frame 1.32%
pillar 1.32%
price 1.32%
reservoir 1.32%
每页显示:    共 8