1.   As winds sweep these chemical pockets into middle latitudes they encounter sunlight and trigger rapid ozone destruction.

2.   But at least he was high above the city, where chill winds swept the air clean and freshened the skin.

3.   Cold icy winds swept under the gaps of cottage doors rattling them fiercely.

4.   An icy wind swept through the streets.

5.   A ferocious wind swept the beach.

6.   As he spoke, the wind swept down Woodbury Street and thunder seemed to rumble in the heavens.

7.   Bush began in the grain building at the Dakota Ethanol plant, where a powerful wind swept grit through the doors, onto laptop computers and roast beef sandwiches.

8.   But damp Pacific winds do sweep across the mountain peaks, especially in winter.

9.   But officials said they expected the plume to rise well above ground level and dissipate as it traveled, especially with the strong winds currently sweeping over the area.

10.   However, two fishermen were drowned in separate incidents when they were swept away by the winds.

n. + sweep >>共 620
fire 6.31%
storm 2.77%
wave 2.67%
wind 2.31%
water 2.05%
air 2.00%
police 1.95%
rain 1.95%
force 1.90%
rumor 1.80%
wind + v. >>共 592
be 14.87%
blow 11.65%
pick_up 1.99%
make 1.99%
whip 1.95%
shift 1.83%
cause 1.66%
continue 1.52%
begin 1.46%
bring 1.38%
sweep 0.88%
每页显示:    共 45