1.   A strong pressure difference between the intensifying Northeast low and a cold high-pressure center over central Canada will promote very gusty winds near the Great Lakes on Saturday.

2.   Abundant sunshine will stir winds in the lower atmosphere, blending momentum from fast winds aloft with winds near the surface.

3.   Brisk onshore winds near the mouth of the Chesapeake may cause minor coastal flooding around the time of high tides.

4.   Children pulled large, colorful bols, basket-shaped kites that usually twirl decoratively in the wind near ground level, toward the finish line.

5.   Clouds become active in the presence of currents of rising air associated with the converging winds near areas of low pressure.

6.   Converging winds near a front will lift the sultry air promoting persistent showers and thunderstorms from southern New England to eastern Ontario.

7.   Converging winds near a weakening zone of low pressure will produce a broken area of showers from the southern Great Lakes to the Tennessee Valley.

8.   Converging winds near the front will promote a few afternoon thunderstorms in southeasternmost Virginia and the Carolinas.

9.   Converging winds near the front will support clusters of thundershowers from southern Georgia to southern Louisiana.

10.   Converging winds near a warm front will produce thundershowers in the Tennessee Valley and near the southern Appalachians.

n. + near >>共 1086
area 3.28%
village 2.62%
town 1.89%
camp 1.53%
home 1.32%
road 1.08%
base 1.08%
site 1.03%
place 0.97%
house 0.93%
wind 0.19%
wind + p. >>共 67
from 31.01%
of 11.94%
in 9.41%
up 9.05%
across 6.15%
at 3.96%
on 2.50%
over 2.35%
to 2.19%
out_of 1.89%
near 1.34%
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