1.   Cooper called premature a Wall Street Journal report that the company will split, forming two separate real estate investment trusts, or REITs.

2.   Even in July, when Tenneco first publicly floated the idea that it would split, its stock rallied just a bit, and then sank.

3.   He called premature a Wall Street Journal report that the company will split, forming two separate real estate investment trusts, or REITs.

4.   Large institutions are willing to split the profits the way hedge funds demand, in order to get access to strong returns.

5.   That will serve him and everyone else a lot better than will splitting hairs over the whats, wheres and whys of this suspension.

6.   Though willing to split the award, it was clearly Jordan who stood out in the finals as Pippen was his only teammate to give him consistent support.

v. + split >>共 24
opt 12.50%
will 12.50%
fight 8.33%
may 8.33%
say 8.33%
return 6.25%
travel 4.17%
use 4.17%
work 4.17%
arrive 2.08%
will + v. >>共 684
pay 4.69%
take 4.48%
become 4.21%
cut 4.04%
do 2.04%
make 1.97%
be 1.90%
come 1.73%
work 1.39%
go 1.29%
split 0.20%
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