1.   This work will set the tone for the new structure, and I hope can be completed well within two months.

2.   Are you willing to set your own pattern?

3.   Blank is not going to give Wolf a stake in ownership, in part because league officials have expressed concern over the precedent it would set.

4.   A proper chair, preferably one that is adjustable, also will set your hands at the right angle to the work space.

5.   But Iowa says it is determined to remain first in caucusing, and will set whatever date it must to do so.

6.   Fifty-seven years of marriage, then a year apart, will set the stage for a grand celebration.

7.   Half of the shares will be sold to institutional investors, and half will set aside for the public, customers and employees, the company said.

8.   He may be worried that the plan would would set off the panic buying of dollars, further depressing the ruble.

9.   If the candle of peace is not soon relit, the next spark will set off a conflagration, perhaps extending far into the Arab world.

10.   It will also set off redistricting, the once-a-decade scramble in the states to redraw congressional district boundaries, next year.

v. + set >>共 147
use 16.72%
meet 8.06%
will 7.16%
be 6.27%
can 1.79%
say 1.79%
do 1.49%
may 1.49%
combine 1.19%
help 1.19%
will + v. >>共 684
pay 4.69%
take 4.48%
become 4.21%
cut 4.04%
do 2.04%
make 1.97%
be 1.90%
come 1.73%
work 1.39%
go 1.29%
set 0.82%
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