1.   I now call composite twenty abolition of Wages Councils South Western Region to move, G M B Scotland to second.

2.   Anybody not willing to put in the time, she said, cannot compete.

3.   As I said, I will work with any member of either party willing to put first things first.

4.   As in Los Angeles, the New York committee will be made up of any academy members willing to put in the time.

5.   In the end, Speedy cost Feehery about as much as it would to put one of his children through college.

6.   Nor will putting extra guards on local government buildings that would be of no strategic or tactical interest to international terrorists.

7.   On paper, the lineup Mike Hargrove will put on the field in this three-game series should laugh at anything Williams answers with.

8.   Other lawmakers worry that the cost of background checks and the like would put too big of a financial burden on small providers.

9.   Second, give thanks for all those prudent souls willing to put Treasury securities in their portfolios.

10.   SGI said it will put engineering and manufacturing in a single organization, to be headed by Robert Ewald, president of the Cray Research subsidiary.

v. + put >>共 179
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