1.   And that means this hay meadow which would normally have been cut a month ago is still standing to let wildflowers seed and fledgling birds fly.

2.   I also planted some wildflower seeds.

3.   Huge sheets of green fabric installed against the hill, impregnated with wildflower seeds.

4.   If your property offers the right conditions, wildflower seeds make a great vacation souvenir.

5.   On a gentle, lumpy hill that runs down to the Hudson River, a landscaper scatters wildflower seeds.

6.   Producers of wildflower seeds concentrate on varieties that grow in a range of soils, rather than ones with regional roots.

7.   She wants to garden organically and has organic wildflower seeds on her wish list.

8.   The department sows tens of thousands of pounds of wildflower seeds each fall.

9.   They put thousands of hours into gathering wildflower seed, raising seedlings, clearing brush, planting.

10.   They scatter wildflower seeds, aerate and fertilize soil, help rid the world of carrion, and, perhaps best of all, kill lots of irritating insects.

n. + seed >>共 253
sesame 18.88%
fennel 4.80%
cumin 3.47%
coriander 3.37%
grass 3.16%
plant 2.76%
number 2.24%
celery 2.14%
hemp 1.94%
cotton 1.84%
wildflower 1.12%
wildflower + n. >>共 35
meadow 13.64%
seed 12.50%
garden 10.23%
bloom 9.09%
center 6.82%
season 4.55%
book 3.41%
lover 3.41%
walk 2.27%
species 2.27%
每页显示:    共 11