1.   By law, the county sheriff is responsible for all wildfire suppression on private and state lands.

2.   Decades of wildfire suppression, they say, encouraged rampant growth and ultimately made the fires that did occur far worse.

3.   The language of wildfire suppression is usually bureaucratic, but what happened in the Cascades was called burnover, which is no euphemism.

4.   The workers, who are trained in wildfire suppression, will help in mop-up efforts and offer logistical support.

n. + suppression >>共 25
fire 39.73%
drug 5.48%
narcotic 5.48%
wildfire 5.48%
government 4.11%
police 4.11%
vote 4.11%
voter 4.11%
appetite 2.74%
noise 2.74%
wildfire + n. >>共 41
season 11.59%
danger 5.80%
suppression 5.80%
duty 4.35%
feeling 4.35%
growth 4.35%
situation 4.35%
year 2.90%
fighter 2.90%
crew 2.90%
每页显示:    共 4