1.   I saw saxifrages and wild thyme and others that were unfamiliar to me.

2.   The butterfly needed short grass, wild thyme and Myrmica sabuleti, a particular ant species, all of which it has at its new, secret Devon location.

3.   Crushing wild thyme between my fingers, I breathed deep.

4.   Creeping thyme, also called wild thyme, is Thymus Serpyllum.

5.   Next morning, up on the plain over the ravine, the air smells of wild thyme and nepitella, a kind of wild mint.

a. + thyme >>共 25
fresh 27.71%
remaining 15.66%
creeping 10.84%
dried 8.43%
wild 6.02%
chopped 3.61%
additional 2.41%
common 2.41%
minced 2.41%
perennial 2.41%
wild + n. >>共 1215
animal 6.92%
ride 2.42%
horse 2.33%
mushroom 2.14%
dog 1.73%
bird 1.64%
plant 1.41%
salmon 1.39%
celebration 1.35%
swing 1.28%
thyme 0.09%
每页显示:    共 5