1.   Allied soldiers captured by the Japanese endured torture, executions and widespread disregard of international conventions on POW treatment.

2.   Authorities have blamed the death toll on growing numbers of inexperienced drivers, poor road conditions and widespread disregard for safety rules.

3.   Berdnyk blamed the deaths on aging equipment at the cash-strapped mines and widespread disregard for safety rules.

4.   Most accidents are blamed on outdated equipment and widespread disregard for safety rules.

5.   Most accidents at the largely unprofitable mines are blamed on outdated equipment and widespread disregard for safety rules.

6.   Widespread disregard for the ban had left many ordinary Chinese angry over the very public abuse of political privilege.

a. + disregard >>共 83
reckless 14.49%
total 6.28%
blatant 5.80%
complete 5.31%
callous 5.31%
rampant 2.90%
widespread 2.90%
cavalier 2.42%
apparent 2.42%
blithe 2.42%
widespread + n. >>共 1160
use 4.24%
support 3.99%
corruption 3.47%
criticism 2.68%
protest 1.95%
damage 1.88%
speculation 1.86%
discrimination 1.76%
violence 1.69%
abuse 1.62%
disregard 0.07%
每页显示:    共 6