1.   -- Lila Taquino is looking for a recipe for preserving whole lemons.

2.   Lila Taquino of Marietta asked how to preserve whole lemons in the Moroccan tradition.

3.   Puncture a couple of whole lemons all over with a long-tined fork and bake in the cavity of a roasting chicken for nicely perfumed meat.

4.   She suggested punching a few holes in a whole lemon and placing it in the cavity of a roasting chicken.

a. + lemon >>共 138
fresh 13.07%
remaining 7.52%
grated 5.56%
preserved 4.58%
bitter 2.61%
tart 2.29%
additional 1.63%
squeezed 1.63%
light 1.31%
pale 1.31%
whole 1.31%
whole + n. >>共 924
thing 8.60%
lot 3.63%
world 2.84%
family 2.69%
life 1.91%
process 1.77%
country 1.66%
idea 1.52%
team 1.37%
time 1.31%
lemon 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4