1.   I do not think America would collapse, whatever the verdict.

2.   Whatever the verdict, at least someone seems prepared to take responsibility for it.

3.   Whatever the verdict, Kidman is moving toward ever greater challenges.

4.   Whatever the verdict, the case of Blarek and Pellecchia has offered an unusual glimpse into the Cali cartel life style.

5.   Whatever the verdict had been, we would have lived with it and said the same thing.

6.   Whatever the verdict, the victims and their families deserved better than that.

7.   But whatever the verdict, the incident may already have changed the way many Japanese will look at the American troops among them for some time to come.

8.   But whatever the verdict, the controversy is unlikely to be put to rest.

9.   Whatever the verdict, Atlantis is scheduled to leave Thursday night.

10.   Whatever the verdict, Atlantis likely will leave for Mir as planned Thursday night.

a. + verdict >>共 262
guilty 30.09%
final 7.54%
unanimous 5.71%
first 3.22%
not-guilty 2.42%
original 1.61%
innocent 1.32%
directed 1.17%
different 1.17%
earlier 1.02%
whatever 0.81%
whatever + n. >>共 451
reason 15.96%
outcome 11.23%
case 7.56%
cause 4.73%
cost 2.12%
result 1.27%
explanation 1.20%
source 0.99%
problem 0.99%
motivation 0.99%
verdict 0.78%
每页显示:    共 11