1.   It is increasingly up to the individual to pick up the slack and act swiftly, doing well by doing good.

2.   Congratulations on excellent paper, first class er well done.

3.   I thought that was really good, well done.

4.   Oh well done what a difficult competition yeah.

5.   Well done that man in black.

6.   Wuthering Heights, our October play, gave May in her role as director, a challenge which she conquered admirably well done, May.

7.   That was nice and short and simple, well done.

8.   Right, well what did that, question one what charity d, what the charity does right.

9.   Oh well done, so how many more to go?

10.   Oh yeah, well done Tim.

v. + do >>共 457
be 7.23%
work 5.74%
have 5.07%
explain 5.00%
will 4.05%
use 2.97%
want 2.91%
better 2.16%
do 1.49%
die 1.42%
well 1.22%
well + v. >>共 83
know 10.40%
do 10.40%
be 8.09%
prepare 5.20%
play 2.89%
receive 2.89%
educate 2.31%
treat 2.31%
go 1.73%
depend 1.73%
每页显示:    共 18