1.   Within this context he also criticized families for whom welfare assistance had become a way of life.

2.   Among other things, it imposed a five-year lifetime limit on welfare assistance to needy families.

3.   As government has scaled back welfare assistance, nonprofits are becoming de facto policy makers, shaping vital decisions over how the sick and poor are cared for.

4.   He would deliver welfare assistance through churches and synagogues rather than government agencies, in blatant disregard of the constitutional separation of church and state.

5.   In some cases, caseworkers were confused by the new rules and may have denied welfare assistance to people who were eligible for help, officials acknowledge.

6.   It should also expand welfare assistance and health benefits to legal immigrants.

7.   Meanwhile, welfare officials in several counties are complaining of reductions in programs that go beyond providing traditional welfare assistance.

8.   Other large providers of welfare assistance such as New York City would also face potential large increases in expenditures that would add to existing budgetary pressures.

9.   Other state programs exceeding projected costs include temporary welfare cash assistance, mental health services and prescription drug assistance for the elderly.

10.   Pakistan still maintains diplomatic relations with the Taliban and has provided it with military and welfare assistance in the past.

n. + assistance >>共 253
government 18.45%
cash 8.01%
development 7.87%
food 6.65%
directory 5.58%
disaster 3.79%
relief 2.15%
job 1.36%
tuition 1.36%
security 1.22%
welfare 1.14%
welfare + n. >>共 448
recipient 13.61%
reform 11.20%
system 6.27%
program 5.94%
benefit 5.79%
bill 5.05%
law 3.71%
roll 3.24%
payment 2.43%
mother 2.13%
assistance 0.21%
每页显示:    共 16