1.   Answers for all children are weighted to reflect the distribution of different ethnicities among the general American population.

2.   Afterward each player receives a numerical rating that rises and falls based on the outcome of each game, with results weighted to reflect the strength of the opposition.

3.   Its rise has boosted various biotech stock indexes, which are heavily weighted to reflect the performance of the largest firms.

4.   Phone numbers were chosen randomly within a cross-section of telephone exchanges and weighted to reflect voter turnout in each county.

5.   The number of commissioners should be reduced in addition to votes within the council being weighted to reflect the size of the countries.

6.   The results from all regions were weighted to reflect the actual adult population of the nation.

7.   The sample included an oversample of parents, weighted to reflect their actual proportion in the U.S. Population.

8.   The survey data were weighted to reflect the demographic composition of the U.S. population and adjusted for oversampling of the chronically ill and their caregivers.

9.   The survey drew from a random sample that was weighted to reflect the adult population.

10.   The results were weighted to reflect the population distribution.

v. + reflect >>共 102
pause 6.90%
restate 6.32%
weight 5.75%
rise 5.17%
discount 3.45%
update 3.45%
be 2.30%
increase 2.30%
reduce 2.30%
fall 1.72%
weight + v. >>共 21
reflect 22.22%
favor 8.89%
give 8.89%
represent 8.89%
accord 6.67%
base 6.67%
account 4.44%
match 4.44%
alter 2.22%
derive 2.22%
每页显示:    共 10