1.   Weekly quizzes will test your understanding of the material.

2.   But when it is time for weekly quizzes, Thomas retreats to a low-tech strategy.

3.   In preparation for weekly spelling quizzes, she has Cameron cut out letters from magazines and literally put words together.

4.   Interactive content includes chats, a weekly quiz, news updates and online sales of sports equipment and books.

5.   Plus, the weekly quiz.

a. + quiz >>共 65
pop 38.46%
quick 4.40%
little 3.85%
following 3.30%
interactive 2.75%
multiple-choice 2.75%
weekly 2.75%
below 1.65%
new 1.65%
online 1.65%
weekly + n. >>共 885
meeting 8.12%
newspaper 6.42%
magazine 4.50%
radio 4.48%
report 3.51%
export 3.14%
flight 2.83%
column 2.78%
basis 2.03%
claim 2.01%
quiz 0.09%
每页显示:    共 5