1.   Weekly benefits are paid at four weekly intervals, in arrears, following receipt of medical certificates.

2.   After discharge they were reviewed at weekly intervals and the volume of feed consumed was recorded daily throughout the four week period.

3.   Others will be received at weekly intervals between these dates.

4.   Tax officials typically contend that the price of the weekly interval is a proper gauge of the real estate value of time-share resorts.

5.   The bottom three leaves go first, followed at weekly intervals with ascending pairs of leaves until the plant is bare.

6.   The rest will be received at weekly intervals between those dates.

7.   At weekly intervals, soldiers would then pull back from the towns of Nablus, Qalqiliya, Tulkarem, Ramallah and Bethlehem, the reports said.

8.   It will be required to pass two consecutive starting stall tests at weekly intervals prior to it being declared to race again.

9.   The designs will change location at four weekly intervals.

a. + interval >>共 128
regular 34.45%
frequent 5.12%
brief 4.59%
short 3.89%
irregular 3.71%
long 3.18%
decent 3.18%
longer 1.77%
weekly 1.77%
sunny 1.77%
weekly + n. >>共 885
meeting 8.12%
newspaper 6.42%
magazine 4.50%
radio 4.48%
report 3.51%
export 3.14%
flight 2.83%
column 2.78%
basis 2.03%
claim 2.01%
interval 0.18%
每页显示:    共 10