1.   Efficiencies of waste material, an inevitable result of the weaving process are also under scrutiny.

2.   Inevitably tufts are occasionally left out in the weaving process.

3.   The weaving process, another popular method, which involves sewing or tying the hair into the other hair, generally takes longer.

4.   The new product, Rayosan, is similar to a colourless dye that absorbs ultraviolet radiation and is added to material during the weaving process.

a. + process >>共 909
political 4.51%
whole 2.48%
electoral 2.23%
democratic 2.19%
decision-making 2.07%
bidding 1.96%
manufacturing 1.92%
legal 1.88%
entire 1.78%
healing 1.55%
weaving 0.03%
weaving + n. >>共 50
run 14.29%
yarn 10.20%
loom 5.10%
process 4.08%
machinery 3.06%
method 3.06%
industry 3.06%
department 3.06%
move 2.04%
material 2.04%
每页显示:    共 4