1.   They accused him of weaving a web of lies and deceit.

2.   For days, the spiders wove enormous webs, many of which linked the trees.

3.   My, what a tangled web these politicians weave.

4.   None of them has woven a web of conspiracy as intricate as the man who calls himself Dr. Pepper.

5.   Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to perceive insult and injury where none is intended.

6.   Other police colleagues say he wove a web of intrigue and cronyism in Boston, and call his indictment in Newark long overdue for a life of shady dealings.

7.   The girls weave a web around their hearts that protects them from the memory of their mother.

8.   Weave a web of friends and relatives for support.

9.   We did not weave the web of life.

10.   Working from a short story written by his brother, Jonathan, Nolan weaves a web of constant surprises and not-always-reliable revelations.

v. + web >>共 96
spin 13.73%
use 5.88%
create 4.90%
weave 4.90%
build 2.94%
untangle 2.94%
surf 2.45%
uncover 2.45%
unravel 2.45%
have 1.96%
weave + n. >>共 278
way 13.64%
story 3.80%
tale 2.59%
basket 2.25%
thread 2.25%
cloth 1.90%
tales 1.73%
web 1.73%
blanket 1.55%
carpet 1.55%
每页显示:    共 10