1.   She weaves imaginative elements into her poems.

2.   Beautiful silk is used to weave elements of myths, archeology and history into their designs.

3.   After a lecture, all the elements are woven together into a set of Web pages, indexed on the syllabus.

4.   Often these elements can be woven into the wreath, eliminating the need for a hot-glue gun.

5.   The story appears to shuttle among time periods, dimensions, nightmares and delusions until Gilliam weaves these elements together in a whirling conclusion.

6.   These volatile elements were woven together by the coach, Phil Jackson, and given just enough support from a weak bench to become unbeatable.

v. + element >>共 487
have 9.53%
add 5.08%
combine 4.45%
contain 4.21%
include 4.04%
incorporate 3.58%
use 2.19%
bring 1.96%
introduce 1.79%
involve 1.67%
weave 0.35%
weave + n. >>共 278
way 13.64%
story 3.80%
tale 2.59%
basket 2.25%
thread 2.25%
cloth 1.90%
tales 1.73%
web 1.73%
blanket 1.55%
carpet 1.55%
element 1.04%
每页显示:    共 6