1.   Analysts said Nynex will be able to weather the challenge in New York, one of the most competitive markets in the U.S.

2.   Another identity-check game went to the champions, who weathered every challenge from Duncan, David Robinson and all the Spurs could muster.

3.   In weathering conservative challenges since then, the Saudi government has similarly had to face down religious extremists who do not regard its rule as legitimate.

4.   As the leader of Sabah Umno, Jema said, Osu hadcommitted members of the party in the State to weather the challenges ahead with his confidence.

5.   Meanwhile, Congress spokesman Vithal Nath Gadgil told reporters here that the Rao administration would complete its full term and weather all challenges posed by the dissidents.

v. + challenge >>共 460
face 22.02%
meet 6.93%
pose 4.59%
present 4.24%
accept 3.23%
have 2.37%
mount 1.94%
issue 1.72%
survive 1.38%
take 1.31%
weather 0.11%
weather + n. >>共 216
storm 26.29%
crisis 5.32%
downturn 3.34%
time 2.58%
criticism 2.43%
recession 2.28%
worst 1.98%
strike 1.82%
condition 1.82%
loss 1.82%
challenge 0.76%
每页显示:    共 5