1.   It would certainly help an astronaut wearing a spacesuit with bulky gloves, which would make it difficult to type and manipulate controls.

2.   This means all athletes would have to wear unwieldy spacesuits, and how interesting would that be to play or watch?

3.   Tsibliyev must maneuver through a narrow hatch into the damaged Spektr module while wearing a spacesuit.

4.   Both cosmonauts wore Russian spacesuits.

5.   Both will be wearing pressurized spacesuits.

6.   In order for the cosmonauts to get through while wearing bulky spacesuits and carrying repair equipment, the crew began removing non-essential cables on Thursday, Lyndin said.

7.   The Spektr is airless and powerless, so the crew must wear spacesuits and carry their own equipment, including a powerful American flashlight.

8.   Voss and Usachev, both experienced spacewalkers, wore Russian spacesuits and conversed in Russian with flight controllers outside Moscow.

9.   Wearing bulky spacesuits designed for open space, they had to maneuver inside the cramped module and make delicate cable connections.

10.   With the Spektr left airless and powerless, the crew must wear spacesuits and carry their own equipment, including a powerful American flashlight.

v. + spacesuit >>共 20
don 30.91%
wear 18.18%
check 9.09%
evaluate 5.45%
examine 5.45%
tear 3.64%
use 3.64%
alter 1.82%
buy 1.82%
damage 1.82%
wear + n. >>共 693
uniform 4.61%
clothes 3.76%
mask 2.90%
helmet 2.52%
suit 2.24%
glove 2.19%
hat 2.04%
shoe 1.70%
glass 1.65%
clothing 1.48%
spacesuit 0.07%
每页显示:    共 10