1.   Burke was not wearing protective gear when the accident happened.

2.   I used to wear trendy gear but it just looked ridiculous.

3.   I always wear up-to-date gear, usually from the shop.

4.   We must stop these accidents happening, particularly by wearing reflective gear so we are seen at night.

5.   Always wear appropriate gear, including helmets, padding and mouth guards.

6.   Always wear protective gear, which includes a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads and wrist guards.

7.   And the police, arriving in an armored vehicle and wearing bulletproof gear, succeeded in postponing the meeting.

8.   And, when they do go outside their perimeter in the sweltering heat, they have to wear full gear, including helmet, boots and bulletproof vests.

9.   Anticipating the obvious jokes, Jones said she would wear protective gear during the match to safeguard her new nose.

v. + gear >>共 239
shift 16.18%
wear 8.25%
switch 6.78%
change 3.65%
fish 3.03%
use 2.71%
have 2.40%
pack 2.19%
make 1.36%
don 1.36%
wear + n. >>共 693
uniform 4.61%
clothes 3.76%
mask 2.90%
helmet 2.52%
suit 2.24%
glove 2.19%
hat 2.04%
shoe 1.70%
glass 1.65%
clothing 1.48%
gear 0.56%
每页显示:    共 79