1.   Russia and the United States are also at loggerheads over how deep to make the weapons cutbacks in next strategic arms treaty, called START III.

2.   In talks so far, officials have made more progress on the weapons cutbacks Moscow desires than on the sensitive missile defense issue, U.S. officials have said.

3.   The two sides are closer to agreement on weapons cutbacks than on missile defense.

4.   Weapons reduction and missile defenses top the agenda, with progress on weapons cutbacks outpacing missile defense so far, according to U.S. officials.

5.   Weapons reduction and missile defense are at the top of the agenda, with progress on weapons cutbacks outpacing missile defense, so far.

n. + cutback >>共 92
production 16.67%
budget 15.13%
government 11.54%
staff 4.87%
job 4.62%
defense 3.08%
output 2.56%
service 2.31%
power 1.54%
personnel 1.54%
weapon 1.28%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
cutback 0.07%
每页显示:    共 5