1.   And it remains unclear whether the spending targets will be met, either by the wealthy donor countries or the cash-strapped recipients, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

2.   And he plans to begin a personal campaign to enlist wealthy donors, foundations and corporations to direct their largesse toward the city, city officials said.

3.   All four Democrats railed Sunday against the current system, which they said favored wealthy donors and the politicians who did their bidding.

4.   Bush had spent part of Tuesday courting wealthy donors at fund-raisers in California.

5.   But new money from wealthy donors and charity drives keeps flowing through front companies and dummy accounts in foreign banks, U.S. officials said.

6.   Charities and individual donors were enticed into sending money to New Era with the promise that it would be matched by wealthy anonymous donors.

7.   Davis has gained a reputation among politicians as a brash fund-raiser who has angered wealthy donors by his relentless soliciting over the years.

8.   Democratic senators have less backing from wealthy donors than do Republicans.

9.   Critics of soft money argue that the cash is all too often spent on ads attacking or promoting candidates and that it allows wealthy donors to unduly influence elections.

10.   Critics say soft money donations often are used to circumvent campaign finance laws written to limit the influence of wealthy donors in political campaigns.

a. + donor >>共 354
international 12.08%
potential 7.16%
major 6.04%
foreign 5.48%
big 4.47%
western 4.33%
private 3.74%
largest 2.30%
anonymous 2.30%
wealthy 2.30%
wealthy + n. >>共 594
businessman 6.75%
family 6.64%
individual 6.61%
nation 4.21%
country 4.21%
man 4.08%
people 4.02%
investor 3.02%
suburb 1.78%
donor 1.78%
每页显示:    共 66