1.   In the recent period of excessive unemployment and weak demand for labour, the validity of this assumption is less clear.

2.   It blamed weak demand in the third and fourth quarters.

3.   The government threatened to restrict exports because of weak demand.

4.   Excess capacity and weak demand continued to undermine performance in the downstream oil and chemicals sectors.

5.   Analysts had anticipated less of an increase in net interest income as lending profit was expected to be more affected by weak demand for credit and falling interest rates.

6.   Analysts think it is certain to rise, as falling prices and weak demand forces companies to cut unproductive workers.

7.   Analysts blamed investor skepticism and a poor market for European telecommunications shares in general for the weak demand.

8.   Analysts had anticipated less of an increase in net interest income as lending profit was expected to be affected by weak demand for credit and falling interest rates.

a. + demand >>共 682
strong 7.04%
domestic 5.12%
increased 3.67%
growing 3.37%
weak 2.69%
high 2.22%
increasing 1.79%
new 1.49%
key 1.46%
rising 1.36%
weak + n. >>共 1092
economy 5.53%
demand 5.26%
dollar 4.29%
yen 3.36%
sale 2.82%
pressure 2.65%
currency 2.24%
link 2.15%
market 1.93%
spot 1.90%
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